I was saving this post for a rainy day, and now we have one. Hahaha! Please pardon my corny joke. It drizzled most of the afternoon, and it was raining steadily on my way home earlier.
- I'm going to put my bonus money in the bank and save it for a rainy day. ボーナスは銀行に入れて、将来何かあったときのためにためておこうと思っています。 (from 英辞郎 on the web)
- corny joke 古臭いしゃれ、陳腐なしゃれ、聞き古したジョーク (from 英辞郎 on the web)
Look carefully at the bottom of the card to which the pads are attached. It says:
- × High performance in wet.
- ○ High performance in wet conditions.
If you are responsible for something worded in English at work which will be seen by hundreds or thousands of people, PLEASE ask a native speaker to look at it for you. Your image will be improved considerably by this small act.
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