- バリカン (n) barber's clippers; (from Edict)
Here's another case of someone with good intentions but bad execution.
- genuinely good intentions 純粋な善意 (from 英辞郎 on the web)
- bad execution 不出来 (from 英辞郎 on the web)
× spoken EnglishI understand what they mean. Probably they want to say something like this:
○ English is spoken here.This isn't a big mistake, I suppose. Check out the difference between spoken English and written English:
○ We speak English, too!
○ Don't speak Japanese? Don't worry! We speak English!
- 口語英語 (n) spoken English; (from Edict)
- written English 書き言葉の英語、文語英語 (from 英辞郎 on the web)
However, if I want to keep it long on top, and the stylist takes a lot off the top, we're going to have a problem.
- keep it long on top = allow the hair on the top of one's head to remain long; 上の方の髪は長い方がいい。
- take a lot off the top = cut the hair on the top of one's head very short; 上の髪を短く切って下さい。
- 床屋 (n) barber; (P); (from Edict)
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