(definitions from Eijiro on the Web)
neighbor - 近所{きんじょ}、近辺{きんぺん}、自宅周辺{じたく しゅうへん}、近郊{きんこう}、近傍{きんぼう}
- 近所{きんじょ}の人々{ひとびと}
・My neighborhood has a large number of Brazilian immigrants. : 私の近所にブラジル人移民がたくさんいる。
Usually "neighborhood" means a place, but one definition also means "people", so that confuses a lot of people. Look at some examples:- 〔困ったときに助けてくれる〕隣人{りんじん}
・Good fences make good neighbors. : 《諺》良い塀は良い隣人を作る。/しっかりした垣根は隣近所を仲良く保つ。/親しき仲にも礼儀あり。 - 近所{きんじょ}の人、隣席{りんせき}の人
・My nearest neighbors are cows. : 近所には牛しかいないよ。
○ Some of my neighborhood likes to celebrate holidays with decorations. <- "neighborhood" means people here, but it's an uncountable nounIn this photo, you can see a wreath with a small sign on it. You can't read it in the photo, but it says "Happy Halloween!" So, we can say:
○ Some of my neighbors like to celebrate holidays with decorations. <- "neighbors" can be a plural noun
× One neighborhood is celebrating Halloween. <- remember, if you mean "people", "neighborhood" is uncountableAnother neighbor also has a wreath on her door. Maybe she's celebrating the coming of fall.
○ One neighbor is celebrating Halloween.
Still, most of my neighborhood is free of holiday decorations. <- "neighborhood" means a place, not people, in this sentence
Maybe they're too busy to hang decorations, like me. I love this season more than any other, but I'd rather things just be clean than see a lot of holiday stuff that will probably hang on doors too long.
Anyway, a happy autumn to you!
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