This is another photo I took the other day in Ebisu. It was on the screen of a machine in the Ebisu subway station. It says:
× Touch English for English expression
It should say:
○ Touch the button labeled "English" for text in English.
...or something like that. To be honest, I'm not even sure they need that sentence. Most people should understand what that button does without it.
First, notice that they forgot the period. Never forget
punctuation at the end of your sentences!
- 句読点 (くとうてん) (n) (ling) punctuation mark(s); (P);
After that, they are using the word "
expression" incorrectly. There are several ways to use it, though, like these:
- 顔付き (かおつき) (n) (outward) looks; features; face; countenance; expression; (P);
She had a surprised expression on her face.
- 詞 (ことば) (n) (1) language; dialect; (2) word; words; phrase; term; expression; remark; (3) speech; (manner of) speaking;
"I couldn't be better" is a fixed expression.
- fixed phrase 定型文{ていけい ぶん}、固定句{こてい く}(definition from Eijiro on the Web)
Here's more on fixed expressions:
I'm surprised that the Tokyo Metro doesn't take more care with their English. At least they
used an imperative sentence and not "let's". I have another sign from the subway with mistakes to talk about another day.
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