- crack up - 大笑いさせる、爆笑{ばくしょう}させる、ゲラゲラ笑いだす (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
- 大屋 (おおや) (n) landlord; landlady; (P); (definition from Edict)
- extreme sports - 極限スポーツ、アドレナリンを極端{きょくたん}に増加{ぞうか}させるような新種{しんしゅ}のスポーツ◆バンジー・ジャンプなど
"How come" is a casual conversational way to say "why". Notice, though, that the usage is a bit different. In particular, notice the position of the subject and the verb.
- how come どうして、なぜ◆【同】why
○ Why did you do that? (standard English)Even more than the reason someone made such a sweatshirt, how come he decided to buy it? I'm warning you: don't wear anything with English writing unless you are sure about what it means.
× How come did you do that?
○ How come you did that? (casual spoken English)
○ Why are you standing there?
× How come are you standing there?
○ How come you are standing there?
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