Last week, typhoon Melor passed through the Kanto region. It was raining cats and dogs. In fact, it rained so hard some of my classes were cancelled.
Meaning: Use it's raining cats and dogs to describe heavy rain.
Meaning: Use it's raining cats and dogs to describe heavy rain.
I broke my wife's favorite vase and have been in the dog house since.
Meaning: You have done something which has made someone angry.
Meaning: You have done something which has made someone angry.
When your boss is in a bad mood it is best to let sleeping dogs lie.
Meaning: Leave something/someone alone if it might cause trouble.
The proverb "Barking dogs seldom bite" suggests that people who say they are going to do something bad to us usually do nothing.
Meaning: Leave something/someone alone if it might cause trouble.
The proverb "Barking dogs seldom bite" suggests that people who say they are going to do something bad to us usually do nothing.
Last but not least, are you a dog person or a cat person? Do you prefer dogs or cats?
Use last but not least to emphasize that while it is listed last on the list, it is just as important as the other things mentioned (earlier) on that list.
Some samples from ALC space website:
As far as symphony is concerned, he is said to be fond of Gustav Mahler.Use last but not least to emphasize that while it is listed last on the list, it is just as important as the other things mentioned (earlier) on that list.
Some samples from ALC space website:
Father has been in the dog house since he lost his wedding ring.
Last but not least
Last but not least, allow me to add some suggestions to further improve the magazine which will be facing the 21st century very soon. 最後に、間近に迫った21世紀に向け、本誌の一層の向上をはかるためにいくつかの提案をさせていただきたいと思います。
You know what they say. Let sleeping dogs lie.
Let sleeping dogs lie.
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