Here is a simple mistake I hear all too often.
X "What spell "アニバーサリー?""
O "How do you spell アニバーサリー?
This week we are celebrating our 3rd year anniversary. Yeah!!! Nick and I would like to thank all of you who have chosen to study with us. We are looking forward to teaching you the next three.
There more kanji characters out there than I will ever know. Mastering kanji (especially writing them correctly) seems like an insurmountable task. English on the other hand has only twenty-six letters in the alphabet. One would assume that writing English correctly is easy right? Let's put that t-h-e-o-r-y to a test. I have chosen 12 random words (some easy as cake, some painfully challenging). For each one I have written the Japanese translation and its phonetic sound in English. Your task is to simply chose the correct spelling. Ready?
1. 外国人--fɔ'ːrənər--フォーリナー
A. foreigner
B. foreinger
C. foreinner
2. 千年間◆始まりから終わりまでが1000年である場合を指すことが多い--mile'niəm
A. milenium
B. millenium
C. millennium
3. ジョニー さん
A. Johnny-san
B. Jhonny-san
C. Jonny-san
4. アニバーサリー, æ`nivə'ːrsəri
A. annivarsary
B. aniversary
C. anniversary
5. 物理学者、自然科学者, フィズィスィスト, fi'zisist,
Albert Einstein was a
A. physisist
B. phycicist
C. physicist
6. 百科事典, エンサイクロペディア, ensa`ikləpi'ːdiə
A. encyclopedia
B. encyclopedea
C. encyclopidea
7. 疲れ、疲労、けん怠感, ファティーグ, fəti'ːg
A. fatigae
B. fetigae
C. fatigue
8. 地中海の、地中海沿岸の、地中海人種の、陸地に囲まれた
A. Meditteranean
B. Medeeterranean
C. Mediterranean
9. 不器用な、ぎこちない、不格好な、ぶざまな, 間が悪い、ばつの悪い、きまりが悪い、気まずい、場違いの、落ち着かない, 扱いにくい、やりにくい、厄介{やっかい}な, ɔ'ːkwərd,
A. okward
B. aokward
C. awkward
10. 痰唾, fle'm
A. phlem
B. phlegm
C. flemm
11. 素晴らしい、すごい、最高の、見事な、いけてる,
A. awesome
B. awsome
C. owsome
12. 時々、たまに(は)、ちょくちょく、時たま、時折、折に触れて◆40%くらいの頻度, əke'iʒənəli
A. ocasionaly
B. ocassionally
C. occasionally
If you get
all 12 correctly, I owe you a cup 'a koffii!
Useful vocabulary
Insurmountable- 打ち勝つことができない、克服{こくふく}できない、乗り越えられない
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