Someone told me:
× You look like evil.Wow! "Evil" has so many possibilities in Japanese, according to Edict:
◯ You look evil.
厄, 禍害, マレフィック, 厄難, 仇, 悪, イーブル, 邪, 邪悪, 凶, 悪弊, 不善
× For me, it looks like hard to learn so many kanji.The rule is:
◯ For me, it looks hard to learn so many kanji.
◯ For me, it looks like it will be hard to learn so many kanji.
- look + (adj)
- look like + (n)
- look like + (sentence)
- pale complexion 《a ~》青白い顔色 (definition from Eijiro on the Web)
I'm japanese.Your explanation is comprehensible.ありがとうございます。 By yoshio