

I've been enjoying a bit of time off during Golden Week. On Sunday, I went to Superdeluxe in Roppongi on Sunday to see free improvisation.
  •  improvisation 【名】(definition from Eijiro on the Web)
  • インプロビゼーション、即興{そっきょう}、アドリブ、即席{そくせき}(に作った もの)、行き当たりばったりでやること◆【略】improv
This show had a lot of performers, including two drummers, one percussionist, two reed players, and one tuba player. Sometimes all of them played together, and sometimes they played in smaller ensembles.
  • ensemble (definition from Eijiro on the Web)〈フランス語〉《音楽》アンサンブル、合唱曲{がっしょうきょく}、合奏曲{がっそう きょく}、合唱団{がっしょうだん}、合奏 団{がっそうだん}◆比較的小規模の編成で、メンバーがそれぞれ同等の働きをするものを指す
For me, the most interesting part was a duet between one sax player and one drummer.

I've gotten more interested in improvised music and gotten less interested in rock as I get older.

"Get" means "become", but it must be used with an adjective.
× I've got a saleswoman.
◯ I've become a saleswoman.
Now I'm getting sleepy. Good night!

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