
The English you see on signs will surprise you.

This is a perfect example of why people need to study English. First, take a look at this:


That shop is in my neighborhood. The name of this shop is the combination of two English words:
  • poop
  • dick
A quick look at Alc gives us these definitions:
  • poop【4名】〈米俗〉〔落ちている犬などの〕ふん、うんち
  • dick【名】〈俗〉男性器、ペニス、ちんちん、陰茎◆【語源】《語源説-1》男性名Richardの愛称であるDickprick(何かを突くための棒=ペニス)と似た発音だから。《語源説-2》昔の言葉であるderrickが縮まってdickになった。
Can you believe that there are even TWO of these shops? As a native English speaker, I feel the owner has to be joking with me. Before you choose English words to name something important, please ASK me or someone else.

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