
Enjoying the sunset

I got home a bit earlier than usual last night. When I looked out the window, I saw this beautiful sunset. By the way, why does Japanese have so many words for "sunset"? Which one should I use?
  • sunset
  1. 夕日{ゆうひ}、入り日
  2. 夕焼け(空)
  3. 夕方{ゆうがた}、日暮れ{ひぐれ}、たそがれ
  4. 末期{まっき}、晩年{ばんねん}
  5. 斜陽{しゃよう}、衰退
At street level, I'm rarely aware of the setting sun, and I usually get home long after the sun has gone down.
  • at street level 1階[地上{ちじょう}]部分{ぶぶん}では
  • long after ~のずっと後に
  • sun goes down 日が沈む[傾く]
As the sun set, I thought the colors were particularly nice, so I wanted to share it with all of you. While I don't care for the summer weather, I should take advantage of the extra daylight.
  • sun sets 日が沈む
  • I don't care for it. それは嫌です。/それはしません。
  • take advantage of an opportunity
We're past the summer solstice, so the sun is setting later every day. Enjoy it while it lasts.
  • summer solstice 《the ~》夏至
  • Enjoy it while it lasts. 今のうちに楽しもう。◆じきに終わるイベントなどについて

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