Besides some nice conversations, maybe the best thing that happened today was trying a new, delicious, and cheap vegetarian meal.
I mentioned finding it back in June:
http://upgradeenglish.blogspot.com/2009/06/if-you-are-sure-something-will-happen.htmlAt Shiodome City Center, there's a branch of this restaurant:
- branch - 支店
- ビーガン (n) vegan; 絶対菜食主義者 (ぜったいさいしょくしゅぎしゃ) (n) vegan;
- soybean 《植物》大豆{だいず}◆マメ科、一年草。タンパク質が多い。豆腐、みその原料。
- shredded lettuce みじん切りの[細く刻んだ]レタス
If you find a vegetarian dish in a restaurant you often go, please let me know. Back to English topics tomorrow...
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