- 関係代名詞 (かんけいだいめいし) (n) (ling) relative pronoun;
- relative clause 関係詞節
http://r.gnavi.co.jp/a634257/It's a restaurant which I had eaten at before. It was delicious before, and so was the food I ate on Saturday night.
One of the things which I had for the first time was nan with jam on it. I've eaten nan that had nuts and fruit in it before, but I don't remember where I had it.
Anyway, I recommend that nan. The waiter said the jam, which you can see is kind of reddish, was made from pineapple.
- reddish やや赤い、赤らんだ、赤みを帯びた、赤色調{せきしょく ちょう}の
http://cdet.jugem.jp/?eid=459The chef there is a nice Sri Lankan vegetarian named Rohan. Chat with him in English if you get a chance.
Find the relative clauses above, and check back tomorrow for more!
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