
ROY G BIV は何ですか?

Before you read any further, quick how many colors are there in a rainbow? 1, 2, 3,... give up? There are seven colors in a rainbow and pink isn't one of them. There are a few good mnemonics in English and ROY G BIV is a very useful one to remember the colors of a rainbow.

The pronunciation of this word is quite tricky. The "m" is silent, read this word starting with "n", as in "nemonic" (nĭ-mŏn'ĭk)

I've heard there are a lot of good mnemonics and puns in Japanese. The one I know is
"うぐいす鳴くよ平安京" Please tell us some of your favorite mnemonics and puns.

Can you figure out what the 7 colors are using ROY G BIV? Email us if you know.

Before I sign off, here are the answers for my blog post a few days ago.

FC Barcelona beat Chelsea in the UEFA Champions League finals.
I have been playing the lottery for years but I have never won a big prize.
Do you know who won the British Open last week?
If Ryo Ishikawa played Tiger Woods, who do you think would win?
If Ryo Ishikawa played Tiger Woods, do you think Ryo can beat Tiger?
I am very competitive (負けず嫌い), I play to win.

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