

I've been told:
× You always claim about wrong English.
◯ You always complain about wrong English.
  1. 〔証拠なしに~が本当であると〕主張{しゅちょう}する、言い張る、断言する
  2. 〔当然のこととして~を〕要求{ようきゅう}[請求{せいきゅう}]する、求める
  3. 〔~の所有権を〕主張{しゅちょう}する
  4. 〔命を〕奪う
  5. 〈主に英〉〔賞品などを〕獲得する
  6. 〈主に英〉〔人の注意を〕引く
complain 【自動】
  1. 不満{ふまん}[苦情{くじょう}・不平{ふへい}]を言う[漏らす]、文句{もんく}を言う、愚痴{ぐち}を言う[こぼす]
  2. 〔病状{びょうじょう}や痛みを〕訴える、言う
  3. 〔苦情{くじょう}でも言うかのように〕うめく、きしみ音を出す
  4. 〔正式{せいしき}な機関{きかん}に〕苦情{くじょう}を申し立てる、訴え出る、クレームを付ける
  5. 〔コンピュータやソフトウェアが〕エラーを出す、言うことを聞かない
Well, I cannot claim that my Japanese is perfect, and I don't expect Japanese to have perfect English, either. However, if you are a big business and try to use English, you should make the effort to let a native speaker check your English for mistakes.

"Complain" is used when talking about something you are not happy about. That means that English doesn't have the word クレーマ. In English, you'd have to say "someone who made a complaint".
  • complaint 文句 (definition from jmdict)
I can't claim it is good, but I was awake the other day at 5 am. I can't complain about being up at that time, either, because I was able to see the reflection of the sunrise on the office towers around Tokyo Station. It was beautiful, I thought.

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