- controversy 論, 繋争, 争論, 論争 (definition from jmdict)
Someone told me:
× Chinese appeal their country is a developed one.We can say:
◯ Chinese claim their country is a developed one.
× Chinese claim about Japanese policy.
◯ Chinese complain about Japanese policy.
× Taiwanese claim to the world to recognize them as a country.
◯ Taiwanese appeal to the world to recognize them as a country.
◯ Taiwanese claim they are an independent country, but China disagrees.Here are the definitions of "appeal" and "claim" from Eijiro on the Web; check their site for the examples:
- 注意{ちゅうい}を喚起{かんき}する
- 援助{えんじょ}を求める、懇願{こんがん}する、訴える、要請{ようせい}する、頼む
- 気に入る、興味{きょうみ}をそそる、魅力{みりょく}がある
- 上訴{じょうそ}する、抗告{こうこく}する
- 抗議{こうぎ}する
- 〔証拠なしに~が本当であると〕主張{しゅちょう}する、言い張る、断言する
- 〔当然のこととして~を〕要求{ようきゅう}[請求{せいきゅう}]する、求める
- 〔~の所有権を〕主張{しゅちょう}する
- 〔命を〕奪う
- 〈主に英〉〔賞品などを〕獲得する
- 〈主に英〉〔人の注意を〕引く
http://upgradeenglish.blogspot.com/2010/01/appeal.htmlI took this photo last night at a performance of my friend's band. The name of the band is ギロチン工場. I'd like to appeal to you to catch one of their performances if you are into noise rock. I cannot claim that this is a good photo, but it's the best my phone could do.
Somehow I've never talked about "claim", though! OK, there's the next post.
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