I'm still talking about conditional sentences. Here's the whole list of posts about conditional sentences so far:
http://upgradeenglish.blogspot.com/2009/06/if-you-dont-understand-conditional.htmlYesterday, I asked you two questions:
If we see them, we know that rainy season is here. <- which type of conditional is this? <- It's zero conditional.One common mistake with conditional sentences is using "would". Look at these sentences:
If I had been more careful, the picture wouldn't have come out blurry. Sorry! <- which type of conditional is this? <- It's third.
× If there would be time, I would like to see it. <- "would like" means "want"; it's not the "would" from a hypothetical situation.For lunch today, I had mixed bean curry (mostly lentils), which is usually called "dal" in most South Asian languages.
○ If there is time, I would like to see it. <- this is actually first conditional. It's describing a real future situation.
× If you would live somewhere in another country, where? <- we usually don't put "would" in the "if" clause
○ If you could live in another country, where would you live? <- "would" usually goes in the main clause
× If I would have big big money, I want to try it. <- this is supposed to be second conditional
○ If I had a lot of money, I would try it. <- also, don't use the phrase "big money"
× If I go to a museum, I would prefer pictures than art. <- this is talking about usual preference, not a specific case...
○ If I go to a museum, I prefer photos to paintings or other kinds of art. <- ... so don't use "would". This is zero conditional.
× If it would have been me, I went to the police. <- "would" is in the wrong place, and the tense in the main clause is wrong
○ If it had been me, I would have gone to the police. <- third conditional!
- レンズ豆 (レンズまめ) (n) lentil; (definition from Edict)
Anyway, when I was almost finished eating, he said "chai, OK?" when of course he means "would like some chai?" I said "sure". If you had been me, what would you have ordered? A smooth yogurt drink (lassi?)? Ice tea? <- which conditional was that?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LassiWe might be finished talking about conditional sentences for now. If I think of something else I want to say tomorrow, though, I might talk about conditionals again. <- which conditional is this?
Until tomorrow...
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