My students found this pad of fax cover sheets in their office. There are too many silly things about this cover sheet. Notice the top right-hand corner.
× telefax massageOne student said "this sounds a bit naughty." I don't think I've ever seen a fax machine that looked like it could give a good massage. I'd like to receive a fax that said I could get a free massage, though, as long as it was a decent human giving the massage.
○ telefax message; more commonly, fax cover sheet
You know, it's funny to say "telefax message." Of course it's a fax; it arrives at the fax machine! Calling it a cover sheet is better, because then we can be sure that the real document begins on the second page. Still, most people should realize that anyway.
Once again, it's puzzling that a company would fax something abroad with such an obvious mistake. You want your customers to have confidence in dealing with you, so why not have a native speaker proofreader something that you will probably send thousands of? Strange, strange, strange...
I don't really offer massages to students, but I would be happy to check this kind of critical document for you. Please be careful and pay attention to your company's documents at least!
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