One thing that is useful to realize is that perfect tenses (完了時制) generally work by the same logic.
- logic 論理{ろんり}、論理学{ろんりがく}、論法{ろんぽう}、ロジック、道理{どうり}、理詰め{りづめ}、理屈{りくつ}I see the logic in all that. : その理屈は分かります。It's your logic. : それはあなたの考えだ。(definition from 英辞郎 on the web)
I had planned to put an interesting photo with today's post, but I didn't manage to take any good pictures today. <- past perfect
Instead, I have made this diagram. <- present perfect
I hope you will have solved the question about the diagram by tomorrow night. <- future perfect
It was really hot today, wasn't it? I took my rain suit with me because I had expected it to rain. However, it just made my backpack heavier, which made me sweatier. I hope nobody noticed. I haven't figured out how to make my backpack lighter. It's tough having to carry around a portable office all of the time.
- sweaty 汗の出る、汗にまみれた、汗が出るほどの、汗まみれの、汗のような、汗臭い I'm all sweaty. : 汗びっしょりだ。
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